
Starting the GUI

To start up the GUI, first activate the virtual environment venv. Then use the (PyCharm) terminal to run the command

python -m

The GUI should appear. If this is not the case, try to look for the address of the GUI in the terminal window and copy and paste that address into the address bar of a web browser. It should look something like http://localhost:8501.

If you get a streamlit error, you can also try from the root directory:

streamlit run ctrappy/

Use the navigation button at the top left to select the functionality you want to use.

GUI tabs

An overview of the functionality of each GUI tab can be found in

Set GUI default values

To set default values for the GUI, copy the file ymls/gui_defaults/gui_defaults.yml, and rename it to ymls/gui_defaults/gui_custom.yml. Now you can change the values in the file; these values will be the default values when running the GUI.