Configuration file for CTrapPy scan processing.
Array of 3 numbers for automatic bead fitting; expected amplitude (ADU), left edge of left bead (px), right edge of left bead (px), left edge of right bead (px), right edge of right bead (px), avg background signal (ADU).
Colocalization distance in microns.
Diffusion coefficient estimate in micron^2/s; needed for diffusion calculation.
Estimate of exposure time for a spot in seconds; needed for diffusion calculation.
Estimate of PSF size in microns; needed for diffusion calculation.
Do we divide detected bleaching steps by the average expected step size?
Confocal pixel size in microns.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if R laser is on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if G laser is on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if B laser is on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if R, G lasers are on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if R, B lasers are on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if G, B lasers are on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if R, G, B lasers are on.
Array of 3 numbers; minimum step counts for R, G, B if R, G, B lasers are on.
3x3x3 array; crosstalk matrices.